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Completed in February 2023
Luxury rental condominium created on the former site of TAKENAKA CORPORATION’s company housing.

A low-rise condominium with a total of 86 units standing on a hill in Sangubashi area rich in trees and greenery. The design of Yoyogi Park and the greenery surrounding the exterior connecting to the courtyard is the result of Takenaka's "design" to connect sustainable society and the next generation.

代々木参宮橋テラス代々木参宮橋テラス ZEH


「ZEH(ゼッチ)」とは、net Zero Energy House(ネット・ゼロ・エネルギー・ハウス)の略語で、「創エネ」「省エネ」「断熱」によりエネルギー収支をゼロ以下にした環境に優しい住宅を意味します。代々木参宮橋テラスでは、太陽光パネルを屋上に設置してエネルギーを創り出し、省エネルギーな冷暖房設備を採用、ZEH基準の高い断熱性を誇る素材・木製サッシ・トリプルガラスを用いております。

Environmentally friendly construction that meets ZEH standards

"ZEH" is an abbreviation for "net Zero Energy House," meaning an environmentally friendly house with an energy balance of zero or less through "energy creation," "energy conservation," and "insulation." In Yoyogi Sangubashi Terrace, solar panels are installed on the rooftop to generate energy, energy-efficient heating and cooling systems are used, and materials, wooden sashes, and triple-glazing glass that boast high insulation performance in accordance with ZEH standards are used.


「ZEH(ゼッチ)」とは、net Zero Energy House(ネット・ゼロ・エネルギー・ハウス)の略語で、「創エネ」「省エネ」「断熱」によりエネルギー収支をゼロ以下にした環境に優しい住宅を意味します。代々木参宮橋テラスでは、太陽光パネルを屋上に設置してエネルギーを創り出し、省エネルギーな冷暖房設備を採用、ZEH基準の高い断熱性を誇る素材・木製サッシ・トリプルガラスを用いております。

Environmentally friendly construction that meets ZEH standards

"ZEH" is an abbreviation for "net Zero Energy House," meaning an environmentally friendly house with an energy balance of zero or less through "energy creation," "energy conservation," and "insulation." In Yoyogi Sangubashi Terrace, solar panels are installed on the rooftop to generate energy, energy-efficient heating and cooling systems are used, and materials, wooden sashes, and triple-glazing glass that boast high insulation performance in accordance with ZEH standards are used.

代々木参宮橋テラス代々木参宮橋テラス ZEH

TokyoRent 独自取材コラム


A comfortable, high-quality lifestyle tailored to you, made possible by next-generation, healthy, eco-friendly housing "Yoyogi Sangubashi Terrace"

